2024 Earnings & Savings Review

2024 was a good year for savings.  My overall net worth increased by 28.2% compared to 2023.  This was driven by increases in 401(k) (+26.0%), Roth IRA (+12.8%), money markets & cash (+43.9%), & home equity (+36.3%). Net Earnings Overview I consider Giving, Taxes, HSA Contributions, and 15% gross salary Retirement Contributions non-negotiable. Given this, I excluded these categories when reviewing

2020 Earnings & Savings Review

With COVID-19 greatly reducing opportunities to travel, visit relatives, dine-out, and enjoy various forms of entertainment, I focused my attention on earning and saving in 2020. Through frugality, expanding multiple streams of income, and because my main 9-5 job was not negatively impacted by COVID-19, my net worth increased +38.9% in 2020. Net Earnings Overview

Investing in Memberships – 19 Good Ones!

It’s valuable to approach investing holistically.  Growing money is important, but so is growing in the areas of the spiritual, physical, educational, and recreational.  The purpose of this post is to focus on fun memberships that enable couples/ friends/ families to enjoy time together while paying a flat membership fee.  Other benefits include physical activity,

The Best Month To Buy Everything

Many items get discounted for key sales days, like Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Black Friday. However, there are certain months where the timing is more advantageous to make specific purchases. January Key Sales Days:  New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day Fitness equipment.  Capitalizing on New Year’s resolutions, retailers offer deals on fitness

Working Remotely Isn’t The Future Of Work – It’s The Present

Influenced by factors like Gen Z entering the workforce and technology enabling more flexibility, more and more Americans are working remotely at least 50% of the time.  According to one 2019 study, 3.4% of the total US workforce are remote workers, up from 2.9% in 2015.  This amounts to 4.7 million Americans working remotely in