2024 Earnings & Savings Review

2024 was a good year for savings.  My overall net worth increased by 28.2% compared to 2023.  This was driven by increases in 401(k) (+26.0%), Roth IRA (+12.8%), money markets & cash (+43.9%), & home equity (+36.3%). Net Earnings Overview I consider Giving, Taxes, HSA Contributions, and 15% gross salary Retirement Contributions non-negotiable. Given this, I excluded these categories when reviewing

11 Reasons to Build an ADU on Your Property

Monthly cashflow, tax incentives, and owning a hard asset are some reasons why rental property has always been one of my top financial priorities. I’ve collected rent from tenants who were also my roommates.  I’ve also rented-out single-family property while living out-of-state. However, given personal preference to reside in the San Francisco Bay area, I

Investing in Memberships – 19 Good Ones!

It’s valuable to approach investing holistically.  Growing money is important, but so is growing in the areas of the spiritual, physical, educational, and recreational.  The purpose of this post is to focus on fun memberships that enable couples/ friends/ families to enjoy time together while paying a flat membership fee.  Other benefits include physical activity,

5 Reasons Why I Enjoy Being a Landlord

“Don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and wait.” – T. Harv Eker I’ve lived in the expensive real estate markets of northern and southern California for most of my life.  When I relocated to Denver, CO for work, I was able to purchase a home due to prices being affordable – virtually

The Magic of Your Work’s Retirement Plan

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it… he who doesn’t… pays it.” – Albert Einstein This magical wonder of compound interest that amazed Einstein is available to millions of people today. Unfortunately, Americans are better spenders than they are savers. According to Fidelity, those aged 60-69 contribute