2024 Earnings & Savings Review

2024 was a good year for savings.  My overall net worth increased by 28.2% compared to 2023.  This was driven by increases in 401(k) (+26.0%), Roth IRA (+12.8%), money markets & cash (+43.9%), & home equity (+36.3%). Net Earnings Overview I consider Giving, Taxes, HSA Contributions, and 15% gross salary Retirement Contributions non-negotiable. Given this, I excluded these categories when reviewing

11 Reasons to Build an ADU on Your Property

Monthly cashflow, tax incentives, and owning a hard asset are some reasons why rental property has always been one of my top financial priorities. I’ve collected rent from tenants who were also my roommates.  I’ve also rented-out single-family property while living out-of-state. However, given personal preference to reside in the San Francisco Bay area, I

2020 Earnings & Savings Review

With COVID-19 greatly reducing opportunities to travel, visit relatives, dine-out, and enjoy various forms of entertainment, I focused my attention on earning and saving in 2020. Through frugality, expanding multiple streams of income, and because my main 9-5 job was not negatively impacted by COVID-19, my net worth increased +38.9% in 2020. Net Earnings Overview

Working Remotely Isn’t The Future Of Work – It’s The Present

Influenced by factors like Gen Z entering the workforce and technology enabling more flexibility, more and more Americans are working remotely at least 50% of the time.  According to one 2019 study, 3.4% of the total US workforce are remote workers, up from 2.9% in 2015.  This amounts to 4.7 million Americans working remotely in