2024 was a good year for savings. My overall net worth increased by 28.2% compared to 2023. This was driven by increases in 401(k) (+26.0%), Roth IRA (+12.8%), money markets & cash (+43.9%), & home equity (+36.3%).
Net Earnings Overview
I consider Giving, Taxes, HSA Contributions, and 15% gross salary Retirement Contributions non-negotiable. Given this, I excluded these categories when reviewing my 2024 net earnings, outlined by the pie chart below. Similar to last year, the proportion of earnings from my primary W-2 job accounts for a very large percentage of the total. A primary goal moving forward is to diversify income streams so as to not be as reliant on once income source.

Net Income Allocation Overview
As stated above, since I consider Giving, Taxes, HSA Contributions, and 15% gross salary Retirement Contributions non-negotiable, I excluded these categories when reviewing my 2024 net income allocation, outlined by the pie chart below:

Net Income Allocation Key Takeaways
Housing & Utilities. Housing expenses, including utilities consumed 53% of my earnings for the year. Paying-off my mortgage early remains a high priority, but that won’t happen until 2028.
Food. 18% of net income went toward groceries with another 3% on restaurants & take-out.